Valerie Schepanik, senior advisor for digital assets and innovations at the US Securities and Exchange Commission, claims that the completion of cryptozymes is somewhere around the corner. Immediately after it, spring warming will begin on the cryptorinki. As she stated at the recent South by South West conference in Austin, the SEC will keep a close eye on when the crypto pies will turn in favor of the bulls.
It seems to me that we feel the smell of crypto vernal, people with regulators should be at the same time. But I am sure that cryptoversion will come.
According to the Commissioner, the current lack of a clear set of rules allows regulators to be more flexible when they are created. However, she believes that accuracy and timing are key in the development of regulation for such unstable industries.
Regulation should not be created in a hurry. After all, in the end, it can either develop technologies or destroy them.
In the context of the stebblocoins, she singled out two categories. The first type maintains a fixed value, reflecting the base currency, while the other type fluctuates in the course, keeping the same price relative to the above-mentioned coin. She described the latter type as “algorithmic steakbloins”.
At the same time, as Schepanik claims, all these “labels” will not affect the work of regulators, and in the end, all types of coins will get their legal terms. At the same time, stablecoins will definitely be included in the category of securities.
The cryptocurrency market immediately responded to the statements of the SEC chief adviser. The market capitalization literally overnight increased by $ 6 billion, and the main cryptocurrency Bitcoin once again broke the $ 4,000 mark.
Look for more data in cryptocheat. The current rate of the coin can be viewed in our class rating of cryptocurrencies.