March 13, 2019

Ethereum blockchain will reduce the impact of ASIC miners on the ETH network in the Istanbul update.

The experts at the Ethereum Foundation discussed the nuances of the Istanbul update. The conference was held by telephone. Experts believe that in the framework of hard forks, it is imperative to activate ProgPoW to limit the impact on the network of ASIC miners.

Note that the debate on the impact of ASIC is not the first day. Top developers said they want to support the activation of the new algorithm, if in the process of preliminary checks will not be revealed vulnerabilities. Recall hardfork Constantinople repeatedly because of this tolerated.

“We have done a lot of work, now we need an independent audit, which will make the final decision and announce the launch of the update,” - say representatives of the Ethereum Foundation.

Presumably, ProgPoW will be included in the update Istanbul, the code of which we intend to approve at the end of spring. Hudson Jameson, responsible for public relations, noted that the audit will show the feasibility of introducing a new algorithm.

Given the high flexibility and progressiveness of ASIC devices, Jameson is confident that within a few months they will be able to regain control of the network. But you need to hear the opinion of independent experts.