March 16, 2019

Firefox employee went to Stellar Development Foundation project.

The Stellar Development Foundation invited Mozilla’s chief operating officer, Denel Dickson, to head the company, since Jed McCaleb, CEO and creator of Stellar, vacated his position to become the chief architect.

Jed McCaleb, the creator and CEO of Stellar, performed a “tricky maneuver” with rearranging frames. It seems that the place of its leader took too much time, leaving him less and less creative work, as McCaleb resigned, kindly leaving him to Denel Dixon, one of the Mozilla directors, thereby making her a participant in the project.

“Recruit” in the cryptosphere
What is so valuable this lady? It has not previously worked with cryptocurrencies, but it has long attracted the attention of the public with its penchant for promoting innovation and great, one might say, tremendous experience in the management of operational processes. And its value is in relation to the open Internet policy and issues such as encryption and privacy. It is these qualities that caused the "castling" in the management of the organization.

As the new manager herself says, she is a newcomer to the industry, but her views fully coincide with the company's concept. An example would be her position on the scandal with Cambridge Analytica, when she immediately made a request to launch a browser extension, Facebook Container, to protect confidential information.
By the way, not everyone is of the opinion that confidentiality is correct, for example, Craig Wright, said that he was deanizing the cryptocurrency Zcash and Monero.

Support for cryptocurrency, in particular Stellar
Speaking at the head of net “neutrality” and getting users a way to secure their personal data while still at the same position, Denel sees the XLM as unique integration into payment infrastructures. Solutions such as WALLBTC will help people understand cryptocurrencies and successfully use them.