March 12, 2019

Bees against honey: why does the young cryptomillionaire Eric Finman not like the Lightning Network?

Lightning Network is one of the most promising solutions for Bitcoin scalability. Often it is also called the main trigger for the mass adoption of cryptocurrency in the world. However, the young Bitcoin millionaire Eric Finman does not recognize all the advantages of LN. Even more - he criticizes technology for lack of decentralization.

What's wrong with the Lightning Network?
Recall, Finman is not the first time stuns the public with rather sharp statements about the main cryptocurrency. In December 2018, a young millionaire publicly announced the death of Bitcoin and advised everyone to switch to Bitcoin Cash.

See also: Young cryptomillionaire Eric Finman: Bitcoin is dead, Bitcoin Cash is better.

Now Finman has published a series of tweets about LN flaws. According to him, due to the limitations of its functionality, the Lightning Network cannot ensure full decentralization. And this contradicts the very philosophy of cryptocurrency.

According to the enthusiast, LN will turn Bitcoin into a regular payment system like Visa and Mastercard. Satoshi Nakamoto wanted to destroy these corporations, and not to create something similar to them.

It is noteworthy that Eric is still not giving up his previous words. “Bitcoin is still dead” and the development of the Lightning Network allegedly only confirms the words of the young millionaire. In the “new Bitcoin” all the benefits will be received only by people from Silicon Valley, while ordinary miners will remain at a loss.

See also: Blockstream has released a Lightning Network update. The adoption of technology is growing.

Yes, LN is not as centralized as the US Federal Reserve. However, its further integration into Bitcoin will bring cryptocurrency only harm and almost no benefit.

bitcoin is dead

- ERIK FIN (@erikfinman) March 8, 2019

But Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has a completely different opinion on this matter. He supports the development of the Lightning Network and recently even participated in a flash mob to promote the technology.