Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader of the US House of Representatives, called for a study to find out if the blockchain could make the US government more efficient and transparent.
In a speech to Congressional Electing Committee on Tuesday, McCarthy said that the blockchain "revolutionizes" the security of the financial industry and that it can also help transform "the transparency of our own legislative process."
"As technology continues to change our lives, let's make sure that Congress has the same opportunity to do it ... to make this place more efficient, more efficient and, most importantly, more responsible."
McCarthy also gave several examples of how the use of innovative technologies through the adoption of new legislation in the past has helped improve government processes.
These bills, he said, include the Law on Proven Ability to Use Exceptional National Talent (TALENT).
“As technology continues to change our lives, let's make sure Congress has the same opportunity to do this,” said McCarthy.
In conclusion, he stated:
“What I'm looking for is building trust in our institution — using 21st century technology to make us more customer-friendly, but at the same time giving us more information that can hold us accountable for this process. "
In July last year, McCarthy, along with a group of US lawmakers, also proposed the creation of a pilot blockchain as part of a wider effort to fight infectious fungal diseases.