March 12, 2019

Bytecoin Launches New Roadmap After Rugged Events.

Since its last update of the platform software, called Amethyst version 3.4.1, Bytecoin has released a completely new roadmap, describing in detail the trajectory of releases and the expected growth of the platform in the near future.

A recently updated roadmap shows users where Bytecoin is moving, one of the oldest cryptocurrencies on the market.

Amethyst 3.4.1 and hardware wallet support
The roadmap starts with the launch of Amethyst version 3.4.1, which improves the interaction between the memory pool and the platform software.

This eliminates latency and reduces computational overhead for Bytecoin miners, which means more transactions can be made.

On April 4, there will be official removal requests to the Trezor and Ledger software stores - two popular hardware wallets.

The developers at Bytecoin are working on fixing the hardware wallet code, which adds Bytecoin support in both wallets. Once Trezor and Ledger approve requests, Bytecoin will be officially supported on two wallets.

Mainnet Hard Fork is inevitable
Although Bytecoin did not specify the exact date for its hard fork in the network, it is expected that this will happen after the coin will be supported by two hardware wallets. Hard fork seeks to improve the Bytecoin platform, not divide it.

As soon as 90% of the blocks in the 720-frame will be sent using the new version of Amethyst, the height of the blockchain switch will be activated and the hard fork process will start.

This summer, the Bytecoin desktop application will also be updated, and the Bytecoin Gateway project is expected to debut. The Gateway project will help expand the Bytecoin community.

Bytecoin 3.6.0 will also be released later this year and will introduce a messaging platform. The project will also witness the debut of “Hidden Amounts” on the platform this year, which is a means of masking the amount of funds sent in the transaction.

Commenting on the new roadmap, Bytecoin CEO Jenny Goldberg said:

“We are happy to share what we are working on with the community and the industry as a whole. We believe that the events indicated in the roadmap are events that will lead to a positive growth of our platform. As always, we strive to provide our community with a dynamic and necessary product. To do this, it is imperative to constantly evolve, but to do it without giving up the principles that were our main idea from the very beginning. This is reflected in the roadmap. ”