March 5, 2019

Tony Weiss puts 250 thousand dollars on the fact that Bitcoin will go down for a mark of 2 thousand dollars within 5 years.

Tony Weiss wants to bet that Bitcoin by 2024 will cost less than 2 thousand dollars. He wants to accept a bet of 100 BTC. Tweet says:

“If #Bitcoin goes down to 2 thousand dollars, you will give me 100 BTC. If the top cryptocurrency costs more, I will pay you 250 thousand dollars or 1 BTC (in the case when it will be more profitable for you). "

When Weiss was asked if he had 250 thousand dollars to pay a reward, he replied that he would find the necessary amount. And if there is no free money, then he will sell his apartment in New York.

Note that one of Twitter users, Spongecoinbob, has already accepted the conditions of the trader. Weiss asked him to let him know that the debater was ready to agree to an escrow requirement and a 100 BTC freeze. To which, Spongecoinbob responded “hand in hand”. However, it must be said that this account has only 214 subscribers and has no links, therefore the legality of the transaction is in doubt.